Tag Archives: The National Gallery Singapore

The National Gallery Singapore Museum Display Cases

The National Gallery Singapore is an art gallery located in the Downtown Core of Singapore. Opened on 24 November 2015, it oversees the world’s largest public collection of Singapore and Southeast Asian art, consisting of over 8,000 artworks.

Consisting of modern and contemporary art, National Gallery Singapore focuses on the display of Singaporean and Southeast Asian art from the 19th century to present day. Through its collection, the Gallery will present the development of Singaporean and regional cultures – telling the story of their social, economic and political histories.

In December 2014, in partnership with Gallagher USA’s Singapore office, we and Trika were given the task of delivering high-specification and customized museum display cases for all the galleries.
Showcases were painstakingly designed and crafted to suit specific galleries. For example, an almost 5m long Mapcase, consisting of four separate display cases, was created within a 2.5 ton metal casing. Various compartments for concealing the functional equipment such as fibre optic lighting systems, semi -automatic soft-closing mechanisms, passive Artsorb ventilators, electronic controls for opening and even a table-top touch-screen were incorporated into this multi-tier assembly.
Anti-reflective glass was assembled and bonded at site with fully mitred joints.
Many design firsts made their way into these display cases for National Gallery Singapore: fully flush baseboards to case profile frames; self-closing safety elements for large, heavy-duty drawers, and the team even had to design fibre-optic lighting for the table- top cases without touching any part of the antique tables.
To achieve the highest level of air-tightness required, all cases were tested on-site for their desired work quality. In order to gauge the built-quality and air-tightness levels, the entire team from Singapore’s Heritage Conservation Centre (HCC) introduced test kits for the observation and monitoring of RH (Relative Humidity) as well as lab-specified coupons (ODDY Tests) within cases.
As some of the key exhibits of the collection were loan items from eminent museums such as The British Museum, cases had to pass stringent parameters set based on European benchmarks.

The National Gallery Singapore

The National Gallery Singapore

The National Gallery Singapore 1

The National Gallery Singapore 1