Tag Archives: showcase lighting

Museum showcases lighting layout

Museum showcases lighting is usually a combination of lighting types with different functions, and different types of lighting can be used separately or together.

1. Basic lighting: mainly to provide high-brightness lighting to attract customers’ eyeballs. Pay attention to your showcase in the mall. Ambient light uses scattering or secondary reflection lighting technology, using concealed, surface-mounted or hoisting lamps to achieve its Lighting effect.

2, Focus lighting: in order to emphasize or highlight the important display of the color, material, shape, etc., specially designed lighting, in the focus lighting, point lighting is used more often, usually used track lights, spotlights, etc. It is possible to control the projection angle and the illumination range. Use fluorescent lamps or spotlights to focus on the interior of the lighting showcase to achieve the function of highlighting key products. At the same time, the upper, lower or rear decorative panels of the display cabinet can be made into a light-transmissive form to display the exhibits.

3, Decorative lighting: through some color dynamic changes and intelligent lighting control system, etc., in the part of the showcase environment to create some special lighting atmosphere, because the customer’s vision in addition to being attracted by the bright counter, will also be colored lights Dynamic changes are attracted. This will enable our showcases to attract more customers in the shopping environment and increase product sales. Ambient decorative lighting mainly makes some different and special lighting effects on the background of the displayed items, the back of the cabinet and the surrounding areas. Ambient decorative lighting mainly uses LED lighting, fiber optic lighting and other new lighting technologies that can be intelligently controlled.