There are several aspects that should be dealt with in the design of museum showcase

Showcases are the guardians of cultural relics in the museum and bridges between the cultural relics and the audience. It is a vital link in the museum’s display of artistic appeal and personality. Therefore, There are several aspects that should be dealt with in the design of museum showcase: the relationship between humans and cultural relics, the relationship between showcases and the environment, and the relationship between cultural relics and the environment.

There are several aspects that should be dealt with in the design of museum showcase

Relationship between Humans and Cultural Relics:

Accessibility: Showcases should be designed to facilitate a meaningful and engaging interaction between the audience and the displayed artifacts. Consideration should be given to the height, angle, and lighting of the showcases to ensure clear visibility and ease of viewing for visitors of different ages and physical abilities.

Interpretation: Showcases can incorporate interpretive elements such as labels, multimedia presentations, or interactive displays to provide contextual information, historical background, and educational content related to the artifacts. This helps visitors connect with and understand the cultural significance of the displayed items.
Relationship between Showcases and the Environment:

Preservation: Showcases should provide a controlled microenvironment that protects cultural relics from harmful external factors, including temperature fluctuations, humidity, dust, light exposure, and pollutants. The materials used in showcase construction should be inert and non-damaging to the artifacts.
Security: Showcases should be designed with security features such as locks, alarms, and surveillance systems to prevent unauthorized access or theft. They should also be structurally robust to withstand accidental impact or natural disasters.

Relationship between Cultural Relics and the Environment:

Lighting: The lighting within showcases plays a crucial role in enhancing the visibility and aesthetics of cultural relics. Properly designed lighting systems should consider the type of artifacts, their sensitivity to light, and the desired visual effect. Lighting should be carefully controlled to minimize UV radiation and heat emissions that can damage the artifacts.

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