Daily Archives: March 14, 2023

What are the steps for an exhibition Cases design?

Defining and describing “Museum Exhibition Cases Design” is not an easy task. After 19+ years working in museum display cases design, we have arrived at our own definition.


At this early design stage, we set up a face to face meeting. Next our design team research and brainstorm insight and ideas. By defining the clients’ goals and objectives, creative design sparks begin to unfold and the first design definitions are put to paper.


Our display case designers work closely with you to develop bespoke display case design ideas and concepts that are tested as well as researched. When it comes to creativity set no boundaries, generating engaging exhibit concept designs that tick all the boxes is our aim.


This is the fun part where all the necessary design & sustainability criteria seamlessly get integrated into the exhibition design project or experience. We infuse your key objectives to positively engage and develop your audience, designing unique and bespoke exhibitions cases.


With strong organisation and communication skills, we project manage exhibitions, ensuring they are completed hassle-free, on schedule and within budget. From concept to completion, our project management team successful delivery, throughout the exhibit design process, of all aspects of exhibitions.

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