Taiwan Chung Tai World Museum

For the Chung Tai World Museum, Relicase designed the display cases through elaborate illumination and select material, received great approval from the client. This was Relicase first museum display cases project in Taiwan, through this project, we successfully landed on Taiwan markets.

The Chung Tai World Museum locate on No.8, Chung Tai Rd., Puli, Nantou County 54544, Taiwan. The Museum started its construction in August 2012 and was inaugurated in August 2016. It sits in 9 hectares of land and has 66,000 square meters of floor space. It has an exhibition area of​​ 16,000 square meters, divided into 18 galleries including two special exhibition rooms. All the exhibition spaces are designed to epitomize the Lotus Treasury World, the pure land of Rocana Buddha-the world as seen by buddhas and bodhisattvas.

Chung Tai World Museum’s permanent collection and exhibition include two main features: Buddhist sculptures and steles, and a thousand-plus titles of stone rubbings gifted to our monastery by the Xi’an Beilin Museum in China.The Museum aims to promote Buddhism’s positive and wholesome influence on spiritual growth through Buddhist art, and to preserve Buddhism’s history and culture through research and educational work.

Chung Tai World Museum
Chung Tai World Museum

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