Lhasa Potala Palace treasure hall

For Lhasa Potala Palace treasure hall, Relicase designed free standing display cases, enhanced the display effect, the leader of palace gave us great approval.

Potala Palace, situated in the west part of Lhasa, is actually an architecture group situated on an extremely high mountain in the northwest of Lhasa, consisting of temples, palaces, dormitories and office areas. It is the most visited place in Tibet and is a place that will keep you mesmerized for a lifetime. It is a modern-day World Cultural Heritage site that preserved due to its religious and traditional history. This beautiful Potala Palace is built on the Red Mountain in the middle of Lhasa Valley at the height of 3,700 meters.

The treasure hall located in the Snowy City of the Potala Palace, Lhasa, covers a floor area of 2,000 square metres. The three-story, Tibetan-style structure displays about 200 cultural heritage items, presenting a dazzling display of Buddha statues, porcelain ware, Sutra and the Thangka, the Tibetan art of scroll painting. the oldest of which are a set of Buddhist classics inscribed in palm leaves that date back to the 9th century.

Lhasa Potala Palace treasure hall
Lhasa Potala Palace treasure hall
Lhasa Potala Palace treasure hall 1
Lhasa Potala Palace treasure hall 1

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